Thursday 11 June 2009

Idea - Possible pretty animation

I couldn't sleep last night so was sleepily trying to think of more ideas. I looked out the window and suddenly my mums cat jumped up. This made me come up with a little idea.

A person could be curled up looking out a window and suddenly a bird flies by. The person watches it and then the camera follows the bird, sometimes looking as if the bird as well. I imagined leaves flying around too a bit like in the Disney's Pocahontas. It then flies towards the floor as if to land and turns into a cat. It then follows the cat with the same kind of feel. It then changes into various animals experiancing their lives. It then could come back to the person at the window and a tear drops followed to the floor and the person could be in a prison or in a wheelchair or something like that to show how they cant do those things.

I imagined painting backgrounds sort of like the russian dog animation I posted earlier but then have the animals in 3D but maybe distort them a bit after. Like animate them and then do a painted type effect in after effects or photoshop after. Might make it look really unusual and new and maybe a bit weird.

I thought I could do a lot of experiments with it too. Like when the animals change they could transform or maybe change in a puff of smoke or you could just see the shadows change.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Ideas so far

A Just So Stories remake.

A hungry cat short like my idea in first year about 'The Fish Shop Cat'

The Bikers. An animation mainly about 3 bikers with a South Park type of rude humour and short commical moments.

Get rid of it! The one about Matt putting a spider out and then him having a nasty surprise and wanting something put out himself.

Oh another idea - Get rid of it!

I live with a guy called Matt and he is forever getting rid of spiders for me. So it could start with me screaming and runs in. Theres a giant spider at the top of the stairs. He then slumps back to the kitchen and grabs a glass and puts it out.

(This happened the other day).

Matt walks into the hall and makes a gasp. I turn and look and hes just pointing at the top of the stairs. I panic and tell him oh my god theres another huge spider get rid of it.etc. He just starts saying making noises and telling me to look theres something there. I daren't move to look just incase its a nasty trick.
Suddenly I hear small taps down the stairs and shuffle back on the sofa further away. Suddenly a little cats head pops round the wall and meows (its a local cat that likes to sneak into our house when our backs are turned). I relax and zoom forward to stroke it and matt cowers away. The cat moves to him, arches its back and meows. He shouts and begs me to remove it, i'm too buys laughing so he attempts to get it outside by telling it and it just comes more in the room, he runs outside and calls, it comes but stops in the door so hes now outside and the cats in the doorway. He then comes back with the cat following and threatens to never remove spiders again if I don't remove the cat so I do.

I thought that if I cut bits out and change a few things it would be a great litle short. Its got few characters, comedy, is short and would be fun to make.

Another short I like - Daphne's New Broom

I found this a while ago and saved it. It's by an Animation Mentor student. They really do come out of that course with some fantastic animations! I especially like the humour and animation.

Idea based on a dream - The Bikers

I had a dream the other night that was set like an animated series. It had a very south park feel and even had titles!

It was called 'The Bikers' and the characters looked like a mix of my original sprite of Matt mixed with the south park characters. It started with 3 guys who were my mates, Matt, Chris and Dan. They were talking about some random stuff about bikes and girls when suddenly Gwil walks in and they offend him loads with welsh jokes and stuff. My memory goes foggy then and I can't remember what happened next but I remember a bit further on where the 3 blokes are walking to town. On the way Dan really needs the loo but are no where near any so he hangs his bum off a bridge while the others hold his legs. It then cut to Ben who was kayaking down the river below, whistling to himself. Suddenly there is a groan and ben looks up and then splat.
Thats all I can remember but I woke up giggling to myself for quite a while.

I just liked the south park feel, mixed with bikers, comedy and rudeness. Yeah, I can be a bit imature even in my dreams. I thought that I could tinker with my dream and make it into a short film. Thats why I thought I should put it on here so I won't totally forget about it and can think about it. Possibly ad ideas to it.