Thursday 11 June 2009

Idea - Possible pretty animation

I couldn't sleep last night so was sleepily trying to think of more ideas. I looked out the window and suddenly my mums cat jumped up. This made me come up with a little idea.

A person could be curled up looking out a window and suddenly a bird flies by. The person watches it and then the camera follows the bird, sometimes looking as if the bird as well. I imagined leaves flying around too a bit like in the Disney's Pocahontas. It then flies towards the floor as if to land and turns into a cat. It then follows the cat with the same kind of feel. It then changes into various animals experiancing their lives. It then could come back to the person at the window and a tear drops followed to the floor and the person could be in a prison or in a wheelchair or something like that to show how they cant do those things.

I imagined painting backgrounds sort of like the russian dog animation I posted earlier but then have the animals in 3D but maybe distort them a bit after. Like animate them and then do a painted type effect in after effects or photoshop after. Might make it look really unusual and new and maybe a bit weird.

I thought I could do a lot of experiments with it too. Like when the animals change they could transform or maybe change in a puff of smoke or you could just see the shadows change.

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