Thursday 28 January 2010

Some true cat stories I like so far

Here are some of my favourite stories so far.

1. Flippin Dizzy has just climbed onto the back of the seat behind me and looked lovingly down on me and flippin sneezed on my head, so right now I hate cats.

2. As it's a shop, you could have fun exploring the cat's reaction or attitude to lots of different customers... Knocking someone's hat off? Stealing a feather in a lady's hat? Making faces at babies so they cry? Stealing things from people's shopping bags?

3. A lady and her children came to see a litter of kittens I had, and when I ushered them into the room I was horrified to see the kittens had gone through my handbag and were now running about playing with several Tampax 'mice'. And yes, the children did as mummy if they could get some toys like that for their cat...

4. I did have a Siamese who loved retrieving - you could spend hours with her throwing toys and she would bring them back time after time after time. She viewed any visitors as potential toy-chuckers, and of course they would oblige, but not for as long as she wanted. So she would simply drop her toy into their coffee when they weren't looking! I made her lots of different toys from fur fabric, assorted sizes. Once she pestered a visitor to play with a mouse-sized toy but he ignored her. So she left the room and came back with a bigger one... rat sized. Still no response. She fetched a slightly bigger fur toy - small rabbit size. Nothing. Finally, in utter frustration, she brought in the big guns - a HUGE toy the size of another cat, which I had made as a joke from the last piece of fur fabric.... dragging it in while growling. Now that got a reaction!

5. While watching QI, Alan Davis was once woken up by his pet Alsatian who led him downstairs to show him a frog that had jumped into his water bowl. If I swapped this to Remus and in the shop I think it will still be funny. Below is a video of the part of the episode where Alan explains what happened.

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