Thursday 31 December 2009

Fish Shop Story Idea - A Fishy Accident

Below is a true story that my mum sent me about an incident with her Silver Bengal, Nemo. She thought it could be a good short for one of my animations as its funny and includes a cat and fish. Below is the story.

It was a nice sunny morning and mum was going to feed the fish. She took the lid off the fish tank and opened the jar of the fish food. As she was in a hurry she sprinkled them straight from the tub. As she started to sprinkle the fish food in the tank, Nemo decided he wanted to have some for his meal too. He knocked the tub that was in her hand and the lid fell off while sprinkling so most of the food fell in the tank. The fish tank looked like a snow scene. So tried to hoover it with a fish tank hoover, that was unsuccessful. we thought everything was ok because it settled like a snow drift at the bottom. When we came back Nemo was watching the fish as they were dying.

It is a good story and I could have my cat moaning for food before and make it seem he thinks the fish food is his or that he should be fed first. I could also make the fish get fatter and fatter and suddenly cough and die. Remus could even pull out some sort of betting book and bet which fish will die first. He could even run and get Misty and Nemo so they could put bets down too.
The hoovering bit could be made funny too. Instead of a tank one, I could panic and find a mini handheld hoover that could choke and die. Making me panic and hide it. Then hid the food tub too and walkaway whistling. Matt could then be the one that finds the fish dead. This idea may include too many characters though.

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