Monday 14 December 2009

Imaginary Friends and Tristan.

I've been writing about Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends in my dissertation and I was thinking of the character designs and how they look like their personalities and skills. This got me thinking about my youngest brother, Tristan who had an imaginary friend called ‘Halfie’ (pronounced hal-fee) when he was younger, (I always imagined that he got the name from Halfords where I worked at the time). Tristan told me that she was a great mechanic who helped him fix stuff. He also described her as very pretty, blonde and nice like me. With how he described her I imagine that if she was one the friends on the show that she would be tall like a model, curvy, a warm sun yellow for the kindness and hair. She could also have tools for fingers such as a hammer, screwdriver, wrench. Etc. for the mechanical skills Tristan gave her. Of course Tristan outgrew Halfie and she was forgotten just like most of the friends on the show.

Oh and its funny how Mac looks so much like Tristan! Look below!

1 comment:

  1. no way he outgrew his imaginary friend ...mine was called peterken and he owned a star...i was a special child ..

    and which pic is Tristan ..i cant tell the difference
