Tuesday 17 November 2009

Idea twisted!

I can't decide which idea to go with :( I love my orginial idea of a remake of Simon's Cat but with Remus as the character and I wouldn't mind changing it to be the same idea but set in a Fish Shop, which is going back to 'The Fish Shop Cat' idea.
Then I went and had the Red Riding Hood idea. I'm a bit less keen on that idea but it could have a better story. I guess it depends how I wrote and animated them both.


  1. i like the idea of the fish a chip shop but i would personally stick to the sofa...more of our personal experience you could put in...just my opinion but if you stick to what you know the results are always better in my experience (as old as i am)

  2. hmm i love the little red riding cat idea...but remus the naughty cat is so so funny its hard to choose. little red riding hood would def appeal to kids more and remus to adults...whats your target audience

  3. random thought

    i was looking at animation and he you looked at watership down ..i love it and its great of anthropormorphism .. plus it will be alot of ppl our age first anthro animation

    anyways you dont have to its just an idea

    look at the links


